Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentist Los Angeles, CA - Beverly Grove Neighborhood

close up of woman's smiling mouth, beautiful white straight teeth, cosmetic dentistry Beverly Grove Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Shaun Flynn and our staff believe that each of our patients deserves a smile they can be proud to show off. We offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to correct such common aesthetic flaws such as stained teeth, broken teeth, and teeth that are chipped, cracked, misshapen, or crooked. Be sure to visit our online smile gallery to see some of the stunning results Dr. Flynn and his team have achieved for our Beverly Grove Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry patients. We invite you to learn more about the cosmetic dentistry procedures offered by Dr. Flynn and contact us at (323) 406-1228 to schedule your smile makeover consultation.


Bonding is a conservative way to repair slightly chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth. During dental bonding, a white filling is placed onto your tooth to improve its appearance. The filling “bonds” with your teeth, and because it comes in a variety of tooth-colored shades, it closely matches the appearance of your natural teeth. Bonding is less expensive than other cosmetic treatments and usually can be completed in one visit to our office.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is perhaps the most common cosmetic dentistry procedure. Even the most beautiful smile can appear unhealthy or dull when teeth are stained or yellowed. In as quickly as one brief session, our patients can enjoy smiles that are up to ten shades brighter. There are many over-the-counter products available to whiten your teeth at home, but these products cannot match the whitening strength of the professional-grade treatments provided at Shaun Flynn DDS Advanced Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry. Learn more about our teeth whitening services here. 


You no longer need to hide your smile because of gaps, chips, stains, or misshapen teeth. With veneers, you can easily correct your teeth’s imperfections to help you have a more confident, beautiful smile. Veneers are natural in appearance and are a perfect option for patients wanting to make minor adjustments to the look and feel of their smile.

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells made from tooth-colored materials such as porcelain. They are designed to cover the front side of your teeth. To prepare for veneers, your cosmetic dentist in Beverly Grove will create a unique model of your teeth. This model is sent to a dental technician who creates your veneers. Before placing your new veneer, your dentist may need to conservatively prepare your tooth to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Learn more about veneers here.

Dental Implants

If you've lost a tooth (or a few teeth) due to injury or disease, dental implants can rejuvenate both your smile and your oral health. A dental implant is essentially a synthetic tooth root in the form of a titanium post that is surgically embedded into the jawbone. An abutment, also known as a connector, is built and placed on the top of the implant and connects to the replacement tooth. The replacement tooth is a crown that is created to uniquely match your natural teeth. 

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss and offer the best stability and durability. Unlike dentures, dental implants never need to be removed for cleaning, and they allow for more comfortable eating and speaking. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Flynn to find out if you are a candidate for dental implants. Learn more about dental implants here.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings, also called cosmetic or composite fillings, can help restore your damaged teeth and provide cosmetic beauty. This type of filling uses composite resins which make for a more natural-looking appearance and blends right in with your natural tooth. This type of filling is an excellent choice for repairing teeth that are chipped, cracked, decayed, damaged, stained, or discolored.

Cosmetic fillings can also replace metal fillings. Large metal fillings can actually weaken a tooth, structurally cutting the tooth in half. When you bite hard on a large metal filling, there is a good chance the filling can fracture, taking part of your precious tooth structure with it. On the other hand, cosmetic tooth-colored fillings can strengthen damaged teeth because the material used actually bonds your tooth structure together.

Restorative Dentistry & Smile Makeover

At Shaun Flynn DDS Advanced Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry, we provide the latest advances in cosmetic dental techniques. Cosmetic dentistry includes more than just whitening teeth, it includes veneers, bonding, gum recontouring, crowns, bridges and fillings. A smile makeover, also known as smile design, is a customized treatment plan that can address multiple aesthetic issues with your smile. 

This may involve completing several cosmetic and/or restorative procedures to improve the overall appearance and function of your smile. 

Many of Dr. Flynn's patients combine a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures to achieve the ultimate in smile design. For example, a patient may choose to eliminate the "gummy" appearance of his or her smile with gum recontouring, and then enhance the results with a teeth whitening session. Our Beverly Grove cosmetic dentist can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that will address all the concerns you have with your smile and help you achieve the beautiful smile you desire. Learn more about restorative dentistry here.

To learn more about the cosmetic opportunities available to our patients in the Beverly Grove Los Angeles, CA area, we encourage you to schedule a cosmetic consultation appointment with a member of the Shaun Flynn DDS Advanced Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry team. 

 Shaun Flynn, DDS Advanced Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry offers a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments in Beverly Grove Los Angeles, CA to help transform your smile. Call our office at (323) 406-1228 to book a consultation! 

Also serving Beverly Hills, CA.

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Shaun Flynn, DDS


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